Gail Werner on conferences & facing down fears

Gail Werner first came to MWW in 2013 as a reporter covering our 40th anniversary. A few months later she started working on her first novel. That happens to people who come into contact with our community of passionate writers.

Soon after we subjected Gail to our grueling obstacle course–like those ones in the Kung Fu movies–she survived and is now on the committee.

Today on her blog Gail writes about her experiences at MWW as an attendee, writer, and committee member–Writers’ Conferences & Facing Down Fears.

Here’s an excerpt:

I gained SO much wisdom: how to gracefully handle rejection, how to improve my pitching techniques, how to market myself as a writer and, most importantly, how to run at a full sprint off the dock known as my comfort zone. That’s the beauty of writers’ conferences: Big or small, they help writers stare down fears that crop up so easily, especially in such a solitary profession.

Read Gail’s post. If you’re inspired by it and want to attend MWW sign up now. There are barely any spots left.

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